Croppedimage733456 prepare the topping. heat the cream with the broken chocolate in the saucepan until the topping becomes smooth. spread the cooled topping on the cake

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  • Mň
  • Jablkové Dunajské vlny
  • Croppedimage733456 prepare the topping. heat the cream with the broken chocolate in the saucepan until the topping becomes smooth. spread the cooled topping on the cake

Croppedimage733456 prepare the topping. heat the cream with the broken chocolate in the saucepan until the topping becomes smooth. spread the cooled topping on the cake

Najpopulárnejšíe za posledných 24 hodín

Jablkove dunajske vlny.jpgCroppedimage733456 divide the dough into two parts. add cocoa and milk to one part and mix everything together.jpgCroppedimage733456 grease a form and flour it. insert the light and dark dough. place pieces of apples on it. put it into the oven for about 35 min at 180 c.jpgCroppedimage733456 keep mashing and add the flour and a melted cube of kasia baking margarine.jpgCroppedimage733456 prepare the mass. cook the pudding cool it down and mix with a soft cube of kasia. spread the cream on the cooled cake.jpgCroppedimage733456 prepare the topping. heat the cream with the broken chocolate in the saucepan until the topping becomes smooth. spread the cooled topping on the cake.jpg

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